DS ContourScroll Parameters

(*) = obligatory parameter

credits (*)Applet by Dario Sciacca (www.dseffects.com)
text (*)text to scroll
textsizetext size
textfonttext font
textstyletext style
(plain,bold,italic,bold italic)
textcolortext color
(hexadecimal red-green-blue triplet)
imageimage to load (.gif or .jpg)
bgcolorbackground color
(hexadecimal red-green-blue triplet)
speedscroll speed (1-4)
pausepause (0-1000)
interactiveinteractive (yes,no)

OverImage and OverText Parameters

overimageoverimage to load (.gif or .jpg)
overimagexoverimage horizontal position
overimageyoverimage vertical position
overtextxovertext horizontal position
overtextyovertext vertical position
overtextcolovertext color
(hexadecimal red-green-blue triplet)
overtextcolsovertext shadow color
(hexadecimal red-green-blue triplet)
overtextfontovertext font
overtextstyleovertext style
(plain,bold,italic,bold italic)
overtextsizeovertext size

Registration Parameters

regkeyregistration key
regstatusmsgmessage displayed on statusbar
when mouse is over the applet
reglinkURL link
when the applet is clicked
regtargetframe name
(_blank,_self,_parent,_top or custom frame name)

The size of the applet is determined by width and height tags


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