\r\n"; gh(form); t+=form.hta.value+"\r\n"; t+=""; m=open("","TestApplet","resizable=yes,status=yes,width="+form.width.value+",height="+form.height.value); m.document.write(t); } } } function gh(form){ if(form.width.value && form.height.value){ var t="\r\n"; t+="\r\n"; if(tx!="") t+=tx; if(form.image.value) t+="\r\n"; if(form.bgcolor.value) t+="\r\n"; if(form.speed.value) t+="\r\n"; if(form.pause.value) t+="\r\n"; if(form.interactive.value) t+="\r\n"; if(form.overimage.value){ t+="\r\n"; if(form.overimagex.value) t+="\r\n"; if(form.overimagey.value) t+="\r\n"; } if(ot!="") t+=ot; if(form.regkey.value){ t+="\r\n"; t+=uu; t+=mm; } t+=""+form.msgnojava.value+"\r\n"; t+=""; form.hta.value=t; } else alert('Error the (*) field can\'t be null'); } function atx(form){ var t=""; var ctx=""; ntx++; ctx=prompt("Text"+ntx,"DS Effects"); if(ctx!=null){ t+=""+ntx+")"+ctx+"\r\n"; tx+="\r\n"; } ctx=prompt("Text"+ntx+" Horizontal position","10"); if(ctx!=null) tx+="\r\n"; ctx=prompt("Text"+ntx+" Vertical position","10"); if(ctx!=null) tx+="\r\n"; ctx=prompt("Text"+ntx+" Color (hexadecimal red-green-blue triplet)","ff0000"); if(ctx!=null && ctx!="ff0000") tx+="\r\n"; ctx=prompt("Text"+ntx+" Font","Helvetica"); if(ctx!=null && ctx!="Helvetica") tx+="\r\n"; ctx=prompt("Text"+ntx+" Style (plain,bold,italic,bold italic)","bold"); if(ctx!=null && ctx!="bold") tx+="\r\n"; ctx=prompt("Text"+ntx+" Size","42"); if(ctx!=null && ctx!="42") tx+="\r\n"; form.txa.value+=t; } function dtx(form){ ntx=0; tx=""; form.txa.value=""; } function au(form){ var cu=""; var tt=""; var cnu=nu; cnu++; cu=prompt("URL link"+cnu,"www.dseffects.com"); if(cu!=null){ nu++; tt+=""+nu+")"+cu+"\r\n"; uu+="\r\n"; cu=prompt("URL link"+cnu+" target (_blank,_self,_parent,_top or custom frame name)","_blank"); if(cu!=null) uu+="\r\n"; } form.ua.value+=tt; } function du(form){ nu=0; uu=""; form.ua.value=""; } function am(form){ var cm=""; var tt=""; var cnm=nm; cnm++; cm=prompt("StatusBar Message"+cnm,"Applet by Dario Sciacca"); if(cm!=null){ nm++; tt+=""+nm+")"+cm+"\r\n"; mm+="\r\n"; } form.ma.value+=tt; } function dm(form){ nm=0; mm=""; form.ma.value=""; } function aot(form){ var t=""; var ct=""; nt++; ct=prompt("OverText"+nt,"Applet by Dario Sciacca"); if(ct!=null){ t+=""+nt+")"+ct+"\r\n"; ot+="\r\n"; } ct=prompt("OverText"+nt+" Type (scrollleft,scrollright,scrollup,scrolldown)","scrollleft"); if(ct!=null && ct!="scrollleft") ot+="\r\n"; if(ct=="scrollright" || ct=="scrollleft"){ ct=prompt("OverText"+nt+" Vertical Position","10"); if(ct!=null && ct!="10") ot+="\r\n"; } ct=prompt("OverText"+nt+" Speed (1-4)","2"); if(ct!=null && ct!="2") ot+="\r\n"; ct=prompt("OverText"+nt+" Color (hexadecimal red-green-blue triplet)","ffffff"); if(ct!=null && ct!="ffffff") ot+="\r\n"; ct=prompt("OverText"+nt+" Shadow Color (hexadecimal red-green-blue triplet)","000000"); if(ct!=null && ct!="000000") ot+="\r\n"; ct=prompt("OverText"+nt+" Font","Helvetica"); if(ct!=null && ct!="Helvetica") ot+="\r\n"; ct=prompt("OverText"+nt+" Style (plain,bold,italic,bold italic)","plain"); if(ct!=null && ct!="plain") ot+="\r\n"; ct=prompt("OverText"+nt+" Size","24"); if(ct!=null && ct!="24") ot+="\r\n"; form.ota.value+=t; } function dot(form){ nt=0; ot=""; form.ota.value=""; } // End -->
DS DustText
Code Generator

(*) obligatory parameters

Applet width (*)
Applet height (*)

Image (.gif or .jpg)
Background Color

OverImage (.gif or .jpg)
OverImage X
OverImage Y

Registration Key

Message for no java browser

Copy and paste this HTML code in your HTML page
and then copy the DS_DustText.class file and the image files
into the same directory of your HTML page.


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